Dear All,
It is with great pleasure that we are sharing the news that the The Collective: Women in Legal Philosophy is holding its 2nd Annual Conference this summer, on Saturday 22nd June, 2024. The conference will take place at Balliol College, University of Oxford (and hybrid via Zoom).
Call for Papers
We have now opened a Call for Papers for the conference, which will be a pre-read conference with a focus on four papers. Participants will be selected through a competitive, peer-reviewed process to include a mix of junior, mid-career, and more senior scholars. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15th February, 2024. Papers should be submitted through this webform (click on the link).
Papers should engage law and philosophy, broadly defined, with a preference for analytic philosophical methods. Papers may address any substantive or procedural area of law. Decisions will be communicated by 18th April, 2024.
Please do share this CFA widely. We are very much looking forward to this event and to getting as many of us as possible together once again!
With best wishes,
Connecting Women, Contributing to Knowledge.
