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CFA: Collective Discussions, Fall 2024

The Collective: Women in Legal Philosophy are delighted to host our seminar series, Collective Discussions, during the 2024/25 academic year following such a successful launch edition.

Discussions is a space for our members to gain and provide feedback on works-in-progress. The sessions take place online and last 90 minutes, with the format (e.g., pre-read, or presentation) being determined by the featured author. 

Our Fall Term 24/25 Discussions will take place on: Tuesday the 1st of October, Tuesday the 5th of November, and Tuesday the 3rd of December 2024. All begin at 12 noon (EST; 5pm UK time).

We invite abstracts (max. 500 words) from Collective members via this webform: Women in Legal Philosophy: Collective Discussions. The closing date for this round is Friday the 5th of July, 5pm (EST), with invitations being extended soon thereafter. 

When constructing your abstract, note that, in addition to identifying the topic to be explored in the paper and your suspected conclusion, the readers will also want to get a general sense of the literature that grounds your research and how you think the argument to defend your conclusion will progress.

Please share this call for abstracts widely.

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